What Are Three Things Plants Need to Live?

Plants, like other organic matter , require certain substances in order to grow. Understanding a plant’s essential needs helps in growing healthy, strong plants. The three basic requirements for plant growth are water, light and nutrients. While these things are important to plant development, they should be given in moderation. Too much of any one substance can damage or even kill a plant. Water is one of the things plants need to live. Plant tissues comprise 80 to 95 percent water. Much of the water for plants comes from absorption of water within the soil. The moisture level of a soil directly affects the survival of a plant; should the soil become too dry, many plants will begin to dry up, wilt and even die off. Even in areas with limited moisture, such as deserts, plants still need water and have adapted ways to make the water received last as long as possible. Too much water, however, can be detrimental for plants. Allowing soil to dry out some between watering prevent...